We are a group of believers who live in the Greater Oklahoma City metro area. Under the authority and direction of Christ our King and the supervision of the Midwest Presbytery, we are planting a Reformed Presbyterian Church in the Oklahoma City metro area.
When We Started
We were sent out by the Stillwater Reformed Presbyterian Church on November 28, 2021. Stillwater RPC is a member of the Midwest Presbytery of the Reformed Presbyterian Church of North America and we are grateful for the way that Stillwater RPC nurtured us and ministered Christ to us. Our denomination enjoys fraternal relations with several other denominations, including ones in the North American Presbyterian and Reformed Council (NAPARC).
Why We're Called Reformed
We are called Reformed because we profess that system of Christian truth which recognizes God’s sovereignty over all things and man’s absolute dependence on Him for every aspect of life and salvation.
Why We're Called Presbyterian
We are called Presbyterian because we adhere to the form of biblical church government in which the church is governed by ministers and elders elected by the people but receiving their authority from Christ, and organized in a series of graded courts, the highest of which is Synod which has jurisdiction over the whole denomination.
Who We Appreciate
As Reformed Presbyterians, we have both appreciation for many modern church leaders (e.g., RC Sproul, Derek Thomas, Sinclair Ferguson, etc.), and recognition of our shared heritage with Luther, Calvin, Knox, the Protestant Reformation in Europe and Great Britain, and in particular the Scottish Covenanters.
What We Desire
We desire that all men and women everywhere would hear and understand the good news (“gospel”) of Jesus Christ. Please, come and join us!